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以賽亞書 56:3 - 5
Let no foreigner who is bound to the Lord say, "The Lord will surely exclude me from his people." And let no eunuch complain, "I am only a dry tree." For this is what the Lord says: "To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose what pleases me and hold fast to my covenant- to them I will give within my temple and its walls a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that will endure forever.
與耶和華聯合的外邦人不要說:耶和華必定將我從他民中分別出來。太監也不要說:我是枯樹。 因為耶和華如此說:那些謹守我的安息日,揀選我所喜悅的事,持守我約的太監, 我必使他們在我殿中,在我牆內,有記念,有名號,比有兒女的更美。我必賜他們永遠的名,不能剪除。
馬太福音 19:12
For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others-and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it."
申命記 23:1
No one who has been emasculated by crushing or cutting may enter the assembly of the Lord.
使徒行傳 8:36
As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized? "
使徒行傳 8:26 - 29
Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Go south to the road-the desert road-that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza." So he started out, and on his way he met an Ethiopian eunuch, an important official in charge of all the treasury of the Kandake (which means "queen of the Ethiopians"). This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship, and on his way home was sitting in his chariot reading the Book of Isaiah the prophet. The Spirit told Philip, "Go to that chariot and stay near it."
有主的一個使者對腓利說:「起來!向南走,往那從耶路撒冷下迦薩的路上去。」那路是曠野。 腓利就起身去了,不料,有一個埃提阿伯(就是古實,見以賽亞十八章一節)人,是個有大權的太監,在埃提阿伯女王干大基的手下總管銀庫,他上耶路撒冷禮拜去了。 現在回來,在車上坐著,念先知以賽亞的書。 聖靈對腓利說:「你去!貼近那車走。」
歷代志下 18:8
So the king of Israel called one of his officials and said, "Bring Micaiah son of Imlah at once."
馬太福音 19:9 - 12
I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery." The disciples said to him, "If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry." Jesus replied, "Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others-and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it."
我告訴你們,凡休妻另娶的,若不是為淫亂的緣故,就是犯姦淫了;有人娶那被休的婦人,也是犯姦淫了。」 門徒對耶穌說:「人和妻子既是這樣,倒不如不娶。」 耶穌說:「這話不是人都能領受的,惟獨賜給誰,誰才能領受。 因為有生來是閹人,也有被人閹的,並有為天國的緣故自閹的。這話誰能領受就可以領受。」
使徒行傳 8:39
When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing.
列王記下 9:32
He looked up at the window and called out, "Who is on my side? Who?" Two or three eunuchs looked down at him.
列王記下 20:18
And some of your descendants, your own flesh and blood who will be born to you, will be taken away, and they will become eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon."

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSIONR, NIVR Copyright c 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by
Biblica, Inc.R Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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