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分類 經文數 分類 經文數
I Believe God 14 I Believe The Gospel 4
Idleness 94 Influence 8
Insomnia 7 Intercession 24
Interest 10 Intoxication 29
Idle Hands 14 Idol 66
Idolatry 89 Idolatry 94
Ignorance 62 Ignorance 28
Ijon 3 Illuminati 91
Immersion 7 Immoral 77
Immortality Of The Human Soul 23 Impatience 12
Impenitent 101 Impossible 7
Impracticable Sorcerers 18 Imputed Righteousness 15
In Presence Of 117 In Presence Of 117
In The Lord 9 In The Spirit 7
In The Minds Of The Lord 8 In The Presence Of God 26
Incarnation 47 Increase 27
Increase 27 Industry 51
Infertility 9 Infidelity 16
Infinite Grace 6 Influenza 6
Inheritance 24 Injured Teammate 13
Injustice 29 Injustice 5
Inner Beauty 41 Insanity 6
Insanity 6 Insomnia 7
Inspiration 8 Insults 20
Integrity 77 Integrity Justice 14
Intelligent 32 Intentional Foul 15
Inter- Limb 6 Interest 10
Interpreting Dreams 22 Intimacy 11
Into A Good Land 3 Introduction To The Lord 9
Irritable 5 Is All Sin The Same 14
Is About To Come True 9 It Should Also Like To 5
It Takes Strength 15 Impurity 13
Injustice 132 Interpret 46
該詞彙有直接在和合本聖經中出現過         該詞彙沒有在和合本聖經中出現過


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